Calvary Community Church preaches the Word of God according to the Holy Bible – His written revelation.







Weekly Opportunities

Men's Prayer Meeting - 9:15 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages, including Bible study for adults – 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship – 10:30 a.m.
Second Week of the Month Outreach to Complete Care Center, Phillipsburg NJ - 3:00 p.m.
Evening Worship – 6:00 p.m.

Zoom Meeting - 7:00 p.m.

Contact Pastor Michael Bobick (phone: 908-859-1053) for more information

The Third Sign: Jesus, Lord Of Restoration | 03/30/2025
Scripture:Psalm 104:10-35 | John 5:1-18
The Second Sign: Jesus, Lord Of Now | 03/23/2025
Scripture:2 Kings 5:1-14 | John 4:43-54
The First Sign: Jesus, Lord Of Creation | 03/16/2025
Scripture:Isaiah 25:6-9 | John 2:1-12
The New Beginning | 03/09/2025
Scripture:Genesis 2:8-14 | Revelation 22:6-21
The Kings Will Bring Their Glory | 03/02/2025
Scripture:Isaiah 60:1-2 | Revelation 21:24-22:7
The Holy And Heavenly Jerusalem | 02/23/2025
Scripture:Isaiah 65:17-19 | Revelation 21:1-27
The Books Were Opened (Partial Recording) | 02/16/2025
Scripture:Daniel 12:1-4 | Revelation 20:11-15
His Footsteps Our Pathway | 02/09/2025
Scripture:Psalm 85 | Romans 3:21-26
It's All Over But The Shouting (3) | 02/02/2025
Scripture:Ezekiel 39:1-8 | Revelation 20:1-15
It's All Over But The Shouting (2) | 01/26/2025
Scripture:Psalm 2 | Revelation 16:10-21
It's All Over But The Shouting (1) | 01/19/2025
Scripture:Isaiah 11:1-5 | Revelation 19:11-21
The Pillar And Ground Of The Truth | 01/12/2025
Scripture:Genesis 7:1-6 | 1 Timothy 3:14-16
Our Word Is Our Sacred Bond | 01/05/2025
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 | Matthew 5:33-37
Where Is The Lord God Of Elijah? | 12/29/2024
Scripture:2 Kings 2:1-18 | Ephesians 5:15-21
We Have Come To Worship Him | 12/22/2024
Scripture:Isaiah 7:10-17 | Matthew 2:1-12
The Birth Of The Warrior-King | 12/15/2024
Scripture:Isaiah 59:15-19 | Luke 2:1-20
Justified And Alive In Christ (4) | 12/08/2024
Scripture:1 Kings 8:1-13 | Galatians 2:11-21
Justified And Alive In Christ (3) | 12/01/2024
Scripture:Deuteronomy 25:1-3 | Galatians 2:11-21
Christ Is First | 11/24/2024 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Daniel 7:1-18 | Colossians 1:15-20
Justified And Alive In Christ (2) | 11/17/2024
Scripture:Proverbs 17:15 | Galatians 2:11-21
Justified And Alive In Christ (1) | 11/10/2024
Scripture:1 Samuel 10:17-24 | Galatians 2:11-21
In The Twinkling Of An Eye | 11/03/2024
Scripture:Daniel 12:1-4 | 1 Corinthians 15:42-58
Man Of Dust -- Man Of Destiny | 10/27/2024
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 | 1 Corinthians 15:29-49
When The Son Delivers The Kingdom | 10/20/2024
Scripture:Daniel 7:9-14 | 1 Corinthians 15:20-28
First The Firstfruits, Then The Harvest | 10/13/2024
Scripture:Leviticus 23:9-14 | 1 Corinthians 15:20-34
Future In Christ's Resurrection | 10/06/2024
Scripture:Leviticus 23:9-14 | 1 Corinthians 15:12-28
I Am What I Am -- By God's Grace | 09/29/2024
Scripture:2 Chronicles 33:1-20 | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 10 | 09/08/2024
Scripture:Numbers 2:1-9 | 2 Timothy 3:14-17
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 9 | 09/01/2024
Scripture:Isaiah 42:1-4 | Galatians 5:16-26
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 8 | 08/25/2024
Scripture:Ezekiel 36:22-32 | Galatians 5:16-26
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 7 | 08/18/2024
Scripture:Numbers 11:24-30 | Acts 1:12-14, 4:23-31
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 6 | 08/11/2024
Scripture:Exodus 30:1-10 | Romans 8:18-30
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 5 | 08/04/2024
Scripture:Isaiah 61:1-3 | 2 Timothy 2:14-26
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 4 | 07/28/2024
Scripture:Exodus 13:21-23 31:1-5 32:1-10 | 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 3 | 07/21/2024
Scripture:Genesis 6:1-8 | 1 Corinthians 6:11-18
The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit 2 | 07/14/2024
Scripture:Genesis 1:1-5 | 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Listen To One Another | 06/30/2024
Scripture:Romans 15:1-7
The Stewardship Of Your Imagination | 06/23/2024
Scripture:Zechariah 8:1-8 | 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
Stand Firm In God's Persevering Grace | 06/16/2024
Scripture:Exodus 33:12-23 | 1 Peter 5:12-13
Resist The Roaring Lion | 06/09/2024
Scripture:Nehemiah 6:1-13 | 1 Peter 5:5-13
Unrighteous Leaders, Disastrous Results | 06/02/2024 | Dorian Johnson
Scripture:Micah 3:1-12 | Revelation 2:1-29
Cast Your Cares Upon Him | 05/26/2024
Scripture:1 Samuel 1:8-18 | 1 Peter 5:1-11
God Will Establish You | 05/19/2024
Scripture:Psalm 55:15-23 | 1 Peter 5:1-11
Humble Yourselves Under God's Mighty Hand | 05/12/2024
Scripture:Zechariah 13:7-9 | 1 Peter 5:1-11
Commit Yourself To A Faithful Creator | 05/05/2024
Scripture:Lamentations 3:22-32 | 1 Peter 4:12-19
Glorify God By Using Your Gifts | 04/28/2024
Scripture:Numbers 11:24-30 | 1 Peter 4:7-11
A Living Gospel For The Dead | 04/21/2024
Scripture:Genesis 6:1-22 | 1 Peter 3:18-4:6
How To Inherit God's Blessing | 04/14/2024
Scripture:2 Samuel 16:5-14 | 1 Peter 3:8-17
Daughters Of Sarah, Sons Of Abraham | 04/07/2024
Scripture:Genesis 18:1-15 | 1 Peter 3:1-7
The First Facts Of The Faith | 03/31/2024
Scripture:Daniel 12:1-4 | 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
Gospel Wives Can Win Without Words | 03/24/2024
Scripture:Genesis 12:10-20 | 1 Peter 3:1-7
Gospel Patience Is Commendable | 03/17/2024
Scripture:Isaiah 58:1-12 | 1 Peter 2:18-25
Fear God, Honor The King | 03/10/2024
Scripture:1 Kings 21:1-4 | 1 Peter 2:11-17
Coming To The Living Stone | 03/03/2024
Scripture:Exodus 19:1-6 | 1 Peter 2:4-10
Desire The Pure Milk Of The Word | 02/25/2024
Scripture:Isaiah 40:1-8 | 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
The Christ Of The Scriptures | 02/04/2024
Scripture:Deuteronomy 18:15-22 | 1 Peter 1:3-12
Precious Faith Refined Through Fire | 01/28/2024
Scripture:Daniel 3:1-30 | 1 Peter 1:3-12
Rejoicing In Our Great Inheritance | 01/21/2024
Scripture:Numbers 18:19-20 | 1 Peter 1:3-12
Solace For Suffering Saints | 01/14/2024
Scripture:Dueteronomy 8:1-10 | 1 Peter 1:1-12
Phony Excuses And A Filled Table | 01/07/2024
Scripture:1 Chronicles 23:1-6 | Luke 14:15-24
God's Nearness Is My Goodness | 12/31/2023
Scripture:Psalm 73 | James 4:13-5:12
The Word Made Flesh | 12/24/2023
Scripture:Isaiah 11:1-5 | John 1:1-18
The Hope Of Christmas | 12/17/2023
Scripture:Micah 5:2-5 | Luke 2:1-20
The Coming Davidic King | 12/10/2023
Scripture:Psalm 72 | Luke 1:67-80
The Poor And Needy Delivered | 12/03/2023
Scripture:Psalm 70 | James 5:1-12
Saved From The Deep Waters | 11/26/2023
Scripture:Psalm 69 | John 2:13-22
Meet Urgent Needs! | 11/19/2023
Scripture:Jeremiah 23:23-32 | Titus 3:8-15
Ready For Every Good Work | 11/12/2023
Scripture:Exodus 36:1-7 | Titus 3:1-8
The Measure Of Maturity | 11/05/2023
Scripture:Dueteronomy 8:1-10 | Titus 2:1-10
Seek First His Kingdom | 10/29/2023 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:1 Kings 3:1-15 | Matthew 6:19-34
Silence The Idle Talkers | 10/22/2023
Scripture:Numbers 16:1-11 | Titus 1:5-16
Setting The Church In Order | 10/15/2023
Scripture:Genesis 6:5-10 | Titus 1:5-9
Setting The Church In Order | 10/08/2023
Scripture:Exodus 18:13-27 | Titus 1:1-9
The Sufferings Of Our Savior (4) | 10/01/2023
Scripture:Isaiah 52:13-53:12 | Matthew 16:21-23
The Sufferings Of Our Savior (3) | 09/24/2023
Scripture:Dueteronomy 21:22-23 | Luke 23:26-43
The Sufferings Of Our Savior (2) | 09/17/2023
Scripture:Psalm 69:1-3,16-21 | Luke 22:39-46
The Suffering Of The Savior | 09/10/2023
Scripture:Isaiah 63:7-10 | Hebrews 5:5-11
God's Compassion For Nineveh | 09/03/2023
Scripture:Jonah 4:1-11 | Matthew 28:16-20
Salvation Comes To Nineveh | 08/27/2023
Scripture:Jonah 3:1-10 | Matthew 12:38-42
Jonha's Cry From The Depths | 08/20/2023
Scripture:Jonah 1:17-2:10 | Luke 11:29-36
One-Way Ticket To Tarshish | 08/13/2023
Scripture:Jonah 1:1-16 | Matthew 12:33-42
A Glimpse Of His Glory (2) | 08/06/2023
Scripture:Exodus 24:9-18 | Luke 9:23-36
A Glimpse Of His Glory | 07/30/2023
Scripture:Exodus 34:29-35 | Matthew 7:1-13
Who Is A God Like You? | 07/23/2023
Scripture:Micah 7:1-20 | Matthew 10:34-39
What The Lord Requires Of You (2) | 07/16/2023
Scripture:Micah 6:1-16 | Revelation 3:14-22
What The Lord Requires Of You | 07/09/2023
Scripture:Micah 6:1-16 | James 2:1-13
The Ruler From Bethlehem | 07/02/2023
Scripture:Micah 5:1-15 | Romans 11:11-18
Zion Plowed Like A Field | 06/25/2023
Scripture:Micah 3:1-4:13 | James 5:1-4
Tell It Not In Tell-Town | 06/18/2023
Scripture:Micah 1:8-2:13 | James 1:21-27
The Message Of Micah | 06/11/2023
Scripture:Micah 1:1-7 | Revelation 2:12-17
Belong To Christ | 06/04/2023 | Rev. Dick Ellis
Scripture:Jeremiah 31:31-34 | Romans 6:1-14
The Blood Of The Everlasting Covenant | 05/28/2023
Scripture:Exodus 24:1-8 | Hebrews 13:18-25
The Sacrifice Of Praise And Possessions | 05/21/2023
Scripture:Exodus 18:13-27 | Hebrews 13:7-17
Let Brotherly Love Continue | 05/14/2023
Scripture:2 Samuel 12:7-15 | Hebrews 13:1-6
Receiving An Unshakable Kingdom | 05/07/2023
Scripture:Haggai 2:6-9 | Hebrews 12:18-29
Pursue Peace And Holiness | 04/30/2023
Scripture:Gensis 25:27-34 | Hebrews 12:12-17
Trained For Holiness | 04/23/2023
Scripture:Isaiah 35:1-7 | Hebrews 12:1-13
Eyes Fixed On The Finisher | 04/16/2023
Scripture:Proverbs 3:11-18 | Hebrews 12:1-11
The Not-So-Incredible Resurrection | 04/09/2023
Scripture:Exodus 3:1-6 | Acts 26:1-8
By Faith...Now Made Perfect | 04/02/2023
Scripture:1 Kings 17:17-24 | Hebrews 11:32-40
God's Refining Grace | 03/26/2023 | Dorian Johnson
Scripture:Genesis 29:1-30 | 1 Peter 1:1-25
By Faith Joshua And Rahab | 03/19/2023
Scripture:Joshua 6:1-27 | Hebrews 11:30-31
By Faith...Moses (II) | 03/12/2023
Scripture:Exodus 2:11-25 | Hebrews 11:20-29
By Faith...Moses | 03/05/2023
Scripture:Exodus 2:1-10 | Hebrews 11:20-29
By Faith...Abraham And Sarah | 02/26/2023
Scripture:Genesis 12:1-5 | Hebrews 11:8-19
By Faith Noah | 02/19/2023
Scripture:Genesis 6:8-7:12 | Hebrews 11:1-7
The More Excellent Sacrifice Of Abel | 02/12/2023
Scripture:Malachi 1:6-14 | Hebrews 11:1-7
Who But The Creator? | 02/05/2023
Scripture:Job 38:1-18, 40:1-5 | Hebrews 11:1-7
The Faith Of The Antediluvians | 01/29/2023
Scripture:Genesis 6:1-8 | Hebrews 11:1-7
Don't Falter At The Finish Line | 01/22/2023
Scripture:Numbers 15:30-31 | Hebrews 10:26-39
Your High Priest Has Sat Down | 01/15/2023
Scripture:Psalm 40 | Hebrews 10:1-25
The Testator Of The New Covenant | 01/08/2023
Scripture:Exodus 24:1-8 | Hebrews 9:15-28
The Mediator Of The New Covenant | 01/01/2023
Scripture:Exodus 40:1-16 | Hebrews 9:1-15
How Would You Recognize Him? | 12/25/2022
Scripture:Isaiah 8:19-9:7 | Matthew 1:18-25
Opening Blind Eyes | 12/18/2022 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:2 Kings 6:8-23 | John 9:1-41
Follow The Star To The Son | 12/11/2022
Scripture:Isaiah 60:1-3 | Matthew 2:-12
The Better Covenant | 12/04/2022
Scripture:Jeremiah 31:31-34 | Hebrews 8:1-13
The Final Melchizedek | 11/27/2022
Scripture:Genesis 14:18-20 | Hebrews 7:1-28
Confident Of Better Things | 11/20/2022
Scripture:Genesis 22:15-19 | Hebrews 6:9-20
God Is Not Unjust To Forget | 11/13/2022
Scripture:2 Chronicles 33:1-17 | Hebrews 6:1-12
Where Are The Teachers | 11/06/2022
Scripture:Psalm 110 | Hebrews 5:1-14
Our Compassionate And Merciful High Priest | 10/30/2022
Scripture:Exodus 28:1-4 | Hebrews 4:14-16
Jesus Our Great High Priest | 10/23/2022
Scripture:2 Chronicles 21:11-15 | Hebrews 4:14-5:10
Be Diligent To Enter That Rest | 10/16/2022
Scripture:Numbers 14:1-25 | Hebrews 4:1-16
Are You Really Hearing Moses? | 10/09/2022
Scripture:Exodus 17:1-7 | Hebrews 3:1-19
God's Final Word In His Son | 09/11/2022
Scripture:Psalm 2 | Hebrews 1:1-4
Prepare Now For The Winter Of Life | 09/04/2022
Scripture:Proverbs 6:6-11 | 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
With Joy -- Not With Grief, Please | 08/28/2022
Scripture:Jeremiah 3:11-18 | Ephesians 4:7-16
The Mutual Love Of Disciples | 08/21/2022
Scripture:Psalm 133 | 1 John 4:7-16
The Dual Citizenship Of Christ's Disciples | 08/14/2022
Scripture:Daniel 2:36-45 | 1 Timothy 2:1-7
God's Covenant Will Prosper | 08/07/2022
Scripture:Isaiah 59:20-21 | 1 Corinthians 7:10-16
God's Bright Stars | 07/31/2022
Scripture:Daniel 12:1-4 | Matthew 13:36-43
Discern The Time | 07/24/2022
Scripture:1 Chronicles 12:23-40 | Luke 12:54-59
Mirrors Of His Glory | 07/17/2022
Scripture:Exodus 30:17-21; 38:8 | 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
The Perfect Law Is Indivisible | 07/10/2022
Scripture:Exodus 32:1-25 | James 2:8-13
Why The Ten Words | 07/03/2022
Scripture:Exodus 19:1-25; 20:18-21 | Hebrews 12:18-29
The Rewards Of Discipleship | 06/26/2022
Scripture:Deuteronomy 28:1-14 | Matthew 19:23-30
The Gentle Yoke Of Jesus | 06/12/2022
Scripture:Matthew 11:20-30
God Is My Helper | 06/05/2022
Scripture:Psalm 54 | Hebrews 13:7-17
Counting The Cost Of Discipleship | 05/29/2022
Scripture:Deuteronomy 6:4-9 | Matthew 16:24-28
Christ's Call To Discipleship | 05/22/2022
Scripture:Deuteronomy 7:6-11 | Matthew 16:24-28
Let Jacob Rejoice | 05/15/2022
Scripture:Psalm 53 | Romans 11:25-36
Divine Deliverance From Doeg | 05/08/2022
Scripture:Psalm 52 | James 3:1-12
The Present Kingly Ministry Of Christ | 04/24/2022
Scripture:Psalm 21 | Ephesians 1:15-23
The Coming Resurrection Harvest | 04/17/2022
Scripture:Psalm 16:7-11 | Luke 24:1-12 | 1 Corinthians 15:12-28
The Present Priestly Ministry Of Christ | 04/10/2022
Scripture:Psalm 110 | Hebrews 7:20-28
The Heavenly Ministry Of Christ | 04/03/2022
Scripture:Psalm 110 | Hebrews 7:20-28
The Geniality Of Jesus | 03/27/2022
Scripture:Isaiah 42:1-4 | Matthew 11:11-19
Jesus, Friend Of Sinners | 03/20/2022
Scripture:Proverbs 17:17, 18:24 | John 15:9-17
The Sincere Sacrifice Of Thanksgiving | 03/13/2022
Scripture:Psalm 50 | Colossians 2:1-10
The Folly Of Trusting Riches | 03/06/2022
Scripture:Psalm 49 | Mark 8:34-38
Anchor Of The Soul | 02/27/2022 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Genesis 22:1-19 | Hebrews 6:13-20
Content With Christ | 02/20/2022 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Leviticus 25:8-13 | Philippians 4:10-23
The Glory Of God's Holy City | 02/13/2022
Scripture:Psalm 48 | Revelation 21:9-21
The Shout Of Gospel Triumph | 02/06/2022
Scripture:Psalm 47 | 2 Corinthians 2:12-17
God, Our Refuge And Strength | 01/30/2022
Scripture:Psalm 46 | Revelation 19:11-21
The Son's Royal Wedding | 01/23/2022
Scripture:Psalm 45 | Ephesians 5:22-33
Arise For Our Help | 01/16/2022
Scripture:Psalm 44 | Romans 8:31-39
The Soul's Triumph Over Itself By Faith | 01/02/2022
Scripture:Psalm 42-43 | Hebrews 3:7-15
Closer Than Ever Before | 12/26/2021
Scripture:Job 42:1-17 | Romans 13:11-14
Sustained On His Sickbed | 12/12/2021
Scripture:Psalm 41 | John 13:12-20
The Grace And Duty Of Waiting On God | 12/05/2021
Scripture:Psalm 40 | Hebrews 10:5-10
The Prayer Of A Sojourner | 11/28/2021
Scripture:Psalm 39 | James 4:13-17
Only One Gethsemane | 11/21/2021
Scripture:Psalm 38 | Matthew 26:36
Dwell In The Land And Do Good | 11/14/2021
Scripture:Psalm 37 | Matthew 5:1-16
In Your Light We See Light | 11/07/2021
Scripture:Psalm 36 | John 4:7-14
Plead My Cause, O Lord | 10/31/2021
Scripture:Psalm 35 | Revelation 11:1-14
God's Gracious Revelation In A Hard And Dangerous Place | 10/24/2021 | Dorian Johnson
Scripture:Genesis 28:10-22 | John 1:35-51
Magnify The Lord With Me | 10/17/2021
Scripture:Psalm 34 | 1 Peter 3:8-17
God Our Help And Shield | 10/10/2021
Scripture:Psalm 33 | Revelation 6:9-11
The Happy, Clean Conscience | 10/03/2021
Scripture:Psalm 32 | Hebrews 9:11-15
When God Hides His Face | 09/26/2021
Scripture:Psalm 31 | Luke 23:44-49
When God Hides His Face | 09/19/2021
Scripture:Psalm 30 | Hebrews 5:5-11
The God Of Glory Thunders | 09/12/2021
Scripture:Psalm 29 | Hebrews 4:11-13
Gospel Basics 11: The Glory Of The Church | 09/05/2021
Scripture:Isaiah 60:1-3 | Ephesians 3:1-13
Gospel Basics 10: Faith In God's Word | 08/29/2021
Scripture:Psalm 32 | 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5
Gospel Basics 9: Christ The Mediator | 08/22/2021
Scripture:Genesis 12:1-3 | 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Gospel Basics 8: Faith (2) | 08/15/2021
Scripture:Genesis 22:1-14 | Hebrews 11:17-22
Gospel Basics 7: Faith | 08/08/2021
Scripture:Judges 2:7-10 | 2 Timothy 1:3-7
Gospel Basics 6: Repentance Unto Life (2) | 08/01/2021
Scripture:Exodus 20:1-17 | Revelation 2:1-7
Gospel Basics 5: Repentance Unto Life | 07/25/2021
Scripture:Ezra 10:1-15 | 2 Corinthians 7:8-16
Gospel Basics 4: Regeneration | 07/18/2021
Scripture:Ezekiel 36:22-32 | Titus 3:1-8
Gospel Basics 3: Deliverance From The Deceptiveness Of Sin | 07/11/2021
Scripture:Isaiah 1:1-20 | John 16:8-11
Gospel Basics 2: The Worth Of The Human Soul | 07/04/2021
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 | Mark 8:34-38
Gospel Basics 1: Creation | 06/27/2021
Scripture:Psalm 104:1-13 | Revelation 4:1-11
Training Boys To Be Men Of Courage | 06/20/2021
Scripture:1 Corinthians 16:13-18
When You Know God Has Heard You | 06/13/2021
Scripture:Psalm 28 | Philippians 4:1-9
God's Goodness In The Land Of The Living | 06/06/2021
Scripture:Psalm 27 | Romans 8:18-39
Palm Trees In The Second Half Of Life | 05/30/2021
Scripture:Psalm 92 | Galatians 6:6-10
The Resurrection And The Life | 05/23/2021 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Exodus 3:1-15 | John 11:17-27
True Separation Unto God | 05/16/2021
Scripture:Psalm 26 | John 17:13-19
LORD, What Would You Have Me To Do? | 05/09/2021
Scripture:Psalm 25 | Colossians 1:9-14
Lift Up Your Gates | 05/02/2021
Scripture:Psalm 24 | Matthew 25:1-13
Christ The Mediator | 04/25/2021
Scripture:Job 9:28-35 | 1 Timothy 2:1-8
The Believer's Two Companions | 04/18/2021
Scripture:Psalm 23 | John 17:1-5
The Shepherd's Psalm | 04/11/2021
Scripture:Psalm 23 | John 10:1-18
God's Army Of Resurrected Saints | 04/04/2021
Scripture:Ezekiel 37:1-10 | Luke 24:1-12
The Psalm Of The Cross - And Conquest | 03/28/2021
Scripture:Psalm 22 | Hebrews 2:10-13
A King's Joy In The LORD's Strength | 03/21/2021
Scripture:Psalm 21 | Revelation 5:6-10
God Save The King | 03/14/2021
Scripture:Psalm 20 | 1 Timothy 2:1-8
God's Two Books | 03/07/2021
Scripture:Psalm 19 | 1 Peter 2:1-3
The Rock Of David's Strength | 02/28/2021
Scripture:Psalm 18 | 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Music:Speak, O LORD | All Glory, Laud, and Honor (#235) | By Faith
Portrait Of God's Love | 02/21/2021 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Numbers 21:4-9 | Romans 5:1-11
God Hears A Just Cause | 02/14/2021
Scripture:Psalm 17 | John 17:6-19
Nearer, My God To Thee | 02/07/2021
Scripture:Psalm 16 | Acts 13:26-43
God, The Believer's Inheritance | 01/31/2021
Scripture:Psalm 16 | Ephesians 1:15-23
God, Our Highest Good | 01/24/2021
Scripture:Psalm 16 | Acts 2:29-36
Who May Approach The Holy Hill? | 01/17/2021
Scripture:Psalm 15 | Matthew 5:21-26 | Hebrews 10:19-25
When Jacob Shall Rejoice | 01/10/2021
Scripture:Psalm 14 | 2 Kings 11 | Revelation 12:1-6
How Long...Until I Learn To Sing? | 01/03/2021
Scripture:Psalm 13 | Ephesians 1:15-23
Preserved From This Generation | 12/27/2020
Scripture:Psalm 12 | 2 Timothy 3:1-17
The Hope Of Christmas For An Ahaz Generation | 12/20/2020
Scripture:Isaiah 8:16-9:7 | Luke 2:1-20
When The Foundations Are Destroyed | 12/13/2020
Scripture:Psalm 11 | Hebrews 12:25-29
No 'Peace In Our Time' | 12/06/2020
Scripture:Psalm 10 | Luke 18:1-8
Known By His Judgements | 11/29/2020
Scripture:Psalm 9 | Acts 5:1-11
Why God Thinks About Puny People | 11/22/2020
Scripture:Psalm 8 | Hebrews 2:5-18
Our Shield And Defender | 11/15/2020 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Psalm 7 | James 1:21-27
When Your Weeping Is Heard | 11/08/2020
Scripture:Psalm 6 | 2 Corinthians 7:8-12
Rejoice! God Defends The Righteous | 11/01/2020
Scripture:Psalm 5 | Revelation 6:9-11
Evening Confidence In God | 10/25/2020
Scripture:Psalm 4 | 1 Peter 2:21-25
How To Pray On The Run | 10/18/2020
Scripture:Psalm 3 | Acts 12:1-6
The Nations Rage: The Lord Reigns | 10/11/2020
Scripture:Psalm 2 | Revelation 20:7-10
The Grace Of Followership | 10/04/2020
Scripture:Numbers 11:16-25 | 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
The Green Leaf Of The Righteous | 09/27/2020
Scripture:Psalm 1 | Colossians 3:16-17
The Only Path To A Blessed Life | 09/20/2020
Scripture:Psalm 1 | Matthew 5:1-12
A Double Blessing For Ephesus | 09/13/2020
Scripture:Numbers 6:22-27 | Ephesians 6:21-24
Pray For Bold Preachers | 09/06/2020
Scripture:Ezekiel 3:1-11 | Ephesians 6:10-20
The Supply Line Of All-Prayer | 08/30/2020
Scripture:Exodus 17:8-13 | Ephesians 6:10-20
The Sword Of The Spirit | 08/23/2020
Scripture:Isaiah 11:1-5 | Ephesians 6:10-20
The Helmet Of Salvation | 08/16/2020
Scripture:Psalm 140 | Ephesians 6:10-20
The Shield Of God's Faithfulness | 08/09/2020
Scripture:1 Chronicles 21:1-6 | Ephesians 6:10-20
The Readiness Of Gospel Footwear | 08/02/2020
Scripture:Exodus 40:34-38 | Ephesians 6:10-20
The Breastplate Of Righteousness | 07/26/2020
Scripture:Zechariah 3:1-7 | Ephesians 6:10-20
Keep Your Head Up | 07/19/2020 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Psalm 22 | Hebrews 12:1-3
The Belt Of Truth | 07/12/2020
Scripture:Isaiah 11:1-5 | Ephesians 6:10-20
Divine Armor For Demonic Attacks | 07/05/2020
Scripture:2 Kings 6:11-18 | Ephesians 6:10-20
The Christian Soldier | 06/28/2020
Scripture:Isaiah 59:15-20 | Ephesians 6:10-20
Slaves Of Christ | 06/21/2020
Scripture:Exodus 21:16; Deuteronomy 24:7 | Ephesians 6:5-9
Fathers, Raise A Crop For Eternity | 06/14/2020
Scripture:1 Samuel 2:22-26; 3:11-14 | Ephesians 6:1-4
A Child's Only Job | 06/07/2020
Scripture:Proverbs 10:1; 12:1; 13:1; 29:15 | Ephesians 6:1-4
Nourish Her, Cherish Her | 05/31/2020
Scripture:Genesis 29:15-20 | Ephesians 5:25-33
A Husband's Role: The Great Mystery | 05/24/2020
Scripture:Isaiah 54:1-8 | Ephesians 5:25-33
Build Up Your Husband's House | 05/17/2020
Scripture:Genesis 16:1-3 | Ephesians 5:21-24
The Sweet Spirit Of Subjection In Christ | 05/10/2020
Scripture:Genesis 2:18-25 | Ephesians 5:21-24
The Sweet Wine Of The Spirit | 05/03/2020
Scripture:1 Chronicles 16:7-13 | Ephesians 5:18-21
Redeem The Time | 04/26/2020
Scripture:1 Chronicles 12:23,32 | Ephesians 5:15-17
Walk As Chrildren Of Light | 04/19/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 5:3-14
The Resurrection Bathed in Ascension Glory | 04/12/2020
Scripture:Hebrews 9:11-14
The One Cleansing Sacrifice | 04/05/2020
Scripture:Luke 17:12-19
Be Imitators of God | 03/15/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:25
Christ In The Passover | 03/08/2020 | Aaron Abramson
Scripture:Luke 22:7-13
Speak Words That Meet Needs | 03/01/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:25
A Christian Labor of Love | 02/23/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:25
Angry Love | 02/16/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:26-27
Truthful Love | 02/09/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:25
How Did You Learn Christ | 02/02/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:17-24
Built Up By Truth In Love | 01/26/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:7-16
Zealous To Preserve The Spirits Unity | 01/19/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 4:1-6
To Know the Indwelling Christ | 01/12/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 3:14-21
Paul's Grace (and Ours) To Proclaim The Mystery | 01/05/2020
Scripture:Ephesians 3:1-13
Built Together for God's Dwelling Place | 12/29/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 2:19-22
What Really Happened in Bethlehem | 12/22/2019
Scripture:Luke 2:1-20
Laodicea | 12/15/2019 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Revelation 3:14-22
The New Temple In Christ II | 12/08/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 2:11-22
The New Temple in Christ | 12/01/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 2:11-22
God's Workmanship in Christ Jesus II | 11/24/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 2:1-10
God's Workmanship in Christ Jesus | 11/17/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 2:1-10
Filled With The Fullness Of God | 11/10/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 1:15-23
A Prayer for Enlightened Eyes | 11/03/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 1:15-23
A Thanksgiving for 21st Century Pilgrims | 10/27/2019
Scripture:Colossians 3:12-17
God's Past Faithfulness Remembered | 10/20/2019 | Dorian Johnson
Scripture:Psalm 40:
Graced By The Good Pleasure of God | 10/13/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 1:3-14
The Blessedness of Being In Christ | 10/06/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 1:1-14
Blessed Beyond Measure | 09/29/2019
Scripture:Ephesians 1:1-14
The Unfailing Trustworthiness of God | 09/22/2019
Scripture:Romans 8:31-39
The Absolute Truthfulness Of God | 09/15/2019
Scripture:1 Thessalonians 1:2-10
The Abundant Goodness of God | 09/08/2019
Scripture:Acts 14:8-18
The Perfect Justice of God | 09/01/2019
Scripture:Romans 3:21-26
Immanuel-God With Us | 08/25/2019 | Dorian Johnson
Scripture:Revelation 21:1-27
The Infinite Holiness of God | 08/18/2019
Scripture:Hebrews 12:12-17
The Infinite Power of God | 08/11/2019
Scripture:2 Corinthians 12:7-10
The Infinite Wisdom of God | 08/04/2019
Scripture:1 Corinthians 1:18-31
The God Of No Limits | 07/28/2019
Scripture:1 Timothy 6:11-16
God Is A Spirit | 07/21/2019
Scripture:John 4:19-24
The Post-Joshua Generation | 07/14/2019
Scripture:2 Timothy 3:1-9
The Evengelical Grace of Repentance Unto Life | 07/07/2019
Scripture:Luke 15:11-32
Remember Your Creator in the Days of Your Youth | 06/30/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 11:7-12
Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters | 06/23/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 11:1-10
The Destructive Power Of One | 06/16/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 10:1-20
With All Your Might While You Can | 06/09/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 9:1-18
Living Within the Limits of Wisdom | 06/02/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 8:1-17
Godly Wisdom Is Our Defense | 05/26/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 7:1-29
Blessed - But Can't Enjoy It? | 05/19/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 6:1-12
Sardis | 05/12/2019 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Revelation 3:1-6
Walk Prudently in God's House | 05/05/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 5:1-20
Comfort for the Oppressed | 04/28/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 4:1-16
The Fragrance Of The Resurrection | 04/21/2019
Scripture:2 Corinthians 2:12-17
A Return to Dust | 04/14/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 3:16-22
Eternity in Our Hearts | 04/07/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
What's the Point of Wisdom | 03/31/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 2:12-26
Whats The Point Of Pleasure | 03/24/2019
Scripture:Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
Grasping for the Wind | 03/17/2019
Scripture:Romans 8:18-30
Is Everything Really Meaningless | 03/10/2019
Scripture:1 Corinthians 15:50-58
...For They Were Afraid | 03/03/2019
Scripture:Mark 16:1-8
Joseph Takes Courage | 02/24/2019
Scripture:Mark 15:42-47
The Sacrifice of Sacred Blood | 02/17/2019
Scripture:Mark 15:16-41
Barabbas Preferred to Jesus | 02/10/2019
Scripture:Mark 15:1-15
Peter's Renunciation and Repentance | 02/03/2019
Scripture:Mark 14:66-72
The Son of Man on Trial | 01/27/2019
Scripture:Mark 14:18-25
The Name of Jesus | 01/20/2019 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Matthew 1:18-25
Gethsemane | 01/13/2019
Scripture:Mark 14:27-42
The Best Meal Now | 01/06/2019
Scripture:Mark 14:22-26
Better Never To Have Been Born | 12/30/2018
Scripture:Mark 14:12-21
The Extravagant 'Waste' of a Life | 12/23/2018
Scripture:Mark 14:1-9
What Are The Signs Of His Coming | 12/16/2018
Scripture:Mark 13:1-37
His Name Is Jesus | 12/09/2018
Scripture:Matthew 1:18-25
The Scribe Worth Her Salt | 12/02/2018
Scripture:Mark 12:35-44
The Scribe Who Answered Well | 11/25/2018
Scripture:Mark 12:28-34
The God of The Living | 11/18/2018
Scripture:Mark 12:18-27
Render to God What is His | 11/11/2018
Scripture:Mark 12:13-17
The Rejected Stone is the Chief Cornerstone | 11/04/2018
Scripture:Mark 11 27-12:12
To The Church In Ephesus | 10/28/2018 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Revelation 2:1-7
When Mountains Need To Move | 10/21/2018
Scripture:Mark 11:20-26
The Lord Comes To His Temple | 10/14/2018
Scripture:Mark 11:12-19
The Parable of the Triumphal Entry | 10/07/2018
Scripture:Mark 11:1-14
Bartimaeus - Blind No More! | 09/30/2018
Scripture:Mark 10:46-52
The Servant of All | 09/23/2018
Scripture:Mark 10:32-45
Can the Rich Be Saved? | 09/16/2018
Scripture:Mark 10:17-31
What God Has Joined Together II | 09/09/2018
Scripture:Mark 10:1-12
What God Has Joined Together | 09/02/2018
Scripture:Mark 10:1-12
Where's the Salt? | 08/26/2018
Scripture:Mark 9:30-50
Excorising A Stubborn Spirit | 08/19/2018
Scripture:Mark 9:14-29
The Transfigured Redeemer | 08/12/2018
Scripture:Mark 9:1-13
How Valuable Is Your Soul | 08/05/2018
Scripture:Mark 8:22-28
How Don't You Understand | 07/29/2018
Scripture:Mark 8:1-22
Crumbs of Grace | 07/22/2018
Scripture:Mark 7:24-30
Using Religion to Avoid God | 07/15/2018
Scripture:Mark 7:1-23
The Feeding of the Five Thousand | 07/01/2018
Scripture:Mark 6:30-44
Losing Your Head for the Truth | 06/24/2018
Scripture:Mark 6:14-29
Guard the Treasure | 06/17/2018
Scripture:2 Timothy 1:1-14
The Mission of the Twelve | 06/10/2018
Scripture:Mark 6:7-13
The Mission of the Twelve | 06/03/2018
Scripture:Mark 6:1-13
Do Not Be Afraid Only Believe | 05/27/2018
Scripture:Mark 5:21-43
In His Right Mind | 05/20/2018
Scripture:Mark 5:1-20
Master of the Waves | 05/13/2018
Scripture:Mark 4:35-41
Take Heed How You Hear | 05/06/2018
Scripture:Mark 4:21-34
The Parable of the Four Soils | 04/29/2018
Scripture:Mark 4:1-20
Mark | 04/22/2018
Scripture:3 20-35
Jesus Chooses His Twelve | 04/15/2018
Scripture:Mark 3:7-19
Withered Souls Exposed | 04/08/2018
Scripture:Mark 3:1-6
New Creations In His Resurrection | 04/01/2018
Scripture:2 Corinthians 5:12-21
Let the Little Ones Come to Jesus | 03/25/2018
Scripture:Mark 9:33-37
Lord of the Sabbath | 03/18/2018
Scripture:Mark 2:18-28
The Great Physician Has Come | 03/11/2018
Scripture:Mark 2:13-17
Who But God Can Forgive Sins | 03/04/2018
Scripture:Mark 2:1-12
The Spreading Fame of Jesus | 02/25/2018
Scripture:Mark 1:35-45
Lifted Up to Serve | 02/18/2018
Scripture:Mark 1:29-34
Hope in the Lord | 02/11/2018
Scripture:Matthew 22:34-40
Christs Authority Over Unclean Spirits | 02/04/2018
Scripture:Mark 1:21-28
Jesus Calls Fishers of Men | 01/28/2018
Scripture:Mark 1:14-20
The Baptism of the Baptizer | 01/21/2018
Scripture:Mark 1:9-13
The Forerunner Has Come | 01/14/2018
Scripture:Mark 1:1-8
The Gospel According to Mark | 01/07/2018
Scripture:Mark 1:1-8
God is Love (6) | 12/31/2017
Scripture:2 Corinthians 5:1-11
How Can This Be | 12/24/2017
Scripture:Luke 1:26-38
The Love of God (4) | 12/17/2017
Scripture:Ephesians 1:3-14
His Name is Jesus | 12/10/2017
Scripture:Matthew 1:18-25
God is Love (3) | 12/03/2017
Scripture:1 John 4:7-21
God Is Love (2) | 11/26/2017
Scripture:1 John 4:7-21
God Is Love | 11/19/2017
Scripture:1 John 4:7-21
Time and Eternity | 11/12/2017
Scripture:Romans 11:33-36
The Blessed Hope | 11/05/2017
Scripture:Titus 2:11-15
The Righteous Shall Live By Faith | 10/29/2017
Scripture:Romans 1:16-17
If My People | 10/22/2017
Scripture:Luke 13:1-9
Abraham 'Bargains' with God | 10/15/2017
Scripture:Luke 18:1-8
The Fervent Prayers of Righteous People | 10/08/2017
Scripture:James 5:13-18
When is 'Enough' Enough | 10/01/2017
Scripture: Philippians 4:10-20
Honesty is God's Policy | 09/24/2017
Scripture:Colossians 3 1-17
Keep Your Hands Off | 09/17/2017
Scripture:Deuteronomy 5:19
Keep The Marriage Bed Pure | 09/10/2017
Scripture:Deuteronomy 5:18
Preserve the Life God Gives | 09/03/2017
Scripture:Matthew 5:21-26
God's Mercy | 08/27/2017 | Aijalon Church
Scripture:Psalm 51:1-19
The God of Peace | 08/20/2017
Scripture:Phillipians 4:1-9
Return to Your Inheritance | 08/13/2017 | Daniel Bobick
Scripture:Ephesians 1:1-23
Honor Your Parents | 08/06/2017
Scripture:John 19:25-27
The Weekly Covenant Sign | 07/30/2017
Scripture:Mark 2:23-28
Worthy Worship | 07/23/2017
Scripture:Deuteronomy 5:1-33
No Carved Images | 07/16/2017
Scripture:Matthew 6:19-34
No Other Gods | 07/09/2017
Scripture:1 Peter 1:17-21
I Am the Lord Your God | 07/02/2017
Scripture:1 Peter 1:13-18
God's Ten Words Deuteronomy | 06/25/2017
Scripture:5 1-33
Masculine Courage | 06/18/2017
Scripture:1 Corinthians 16:13-18
The Fruit of Walking in the Spirit (2) | 06/11/2017
Scripture:Galatians 5:16-26
The Fruit of Walking in The Spirit | 06/04/2017
Scripture:Galations 5:16-26
To Know the Love of Christ | 05/28/2017
Scripture:Ephesians 3:14-21
Feed My Sheep | 05/21/2017
Scripture:John 21:15-25
Cast Your Nets for a Catch | 05/14/2017
Scripture:John 21:1-14
Unless I See the Nail Prints | 05/07/2017
Scripture:John 20:19-29
God's Gracious Revelation | 04/30/2017 | Dorian Johnson
Scripture:Hebrew 1:1-4
What Kind of Plan Does God Have for You | 04/23/2017
Scripture:Hebrews 11:30-40
Faith in the Risen Christ | 04/16/2017
Scripture:John 20:1-18
Matthew | 04/14/2017
The Burial of Jesus Christ | 04/09/2017
Scripture:John 19:38-42
Jesus Christ, the Fountain of Life | 04/02/2017
Scripture:John 19:31-37
It is Finished | 03/26/2017
Scripture:John 19:23-30
The Enthroned King | 03/19/2017
Scripture:John 19:17-22
Behold The Man | 03/12/2017
Scripture:John 19:1-16
Truth on Trial | 03/05/2017
Scripture:John 18:28-40
Barabbas Preferred to Jesus | 02/26/2017
Scripture:John 18:28-40
I Am Not | 02/19/2017
Scripture:John 18:12-27
Shall I Not Drink the Fathers Cup | 02/12/2017
Scripture:John 18:1-11
Jesus Prays for Church in Glory | 02/05/2017
Scripture:John 17:20-26
Jesus Prays for the Eleven | 01/29/2017
Scripture:John 17:6-19
Eternal Life is Knowing God | 01/22/2017
Scripture:John 17:1-5
Jesus Prays for Glory | 01/15/2017
Scripture:John 17:1-5
I Have Overcome the World (2) | 01/08/2017
Scripture:John 16:16-33
I Have Overcome the World | 01/01/2017
Scripture:John 16:16-33
The Dayspring Comes | 12/25/2016
Scripture:Luke 1:67-80
The Spirit Glorifies Christ | 12/18/2016
Scripture:John 16:5-15
The Who of the Kingdom | 12/11/2016 | Aaron Abramson
Scripture:John 3:1-16
Joy In Bethlehem and Beyond | 12/04/2016
Scripture:Luke 2:1-20
The Twofold Ministry of the Spirit | 11/27/2016
Scripture:John 16:5-15
Hated Without A Cause | 11/20/2016
Scripture:John 15:18-27
Abide in the Vine | 11/13/2016
Scripture:John 15:1-17
Jesus Bestows His Peace | 11/06/2016
Scripture:John 14:15-31
The Helper is on His Way | 10/30/2016
Scripture:John 14:15-31
Whats A Government To Do | 10/23/2016
Scripture:Romans 13:1-7
The Truth of Truth | 10/16/2016
Scripture:John 14:18-31
Greater Works Than These | 10/09/2016
Scripture:John 14:12-18
Jesus, The One Way, Truth, and Life | 10/02/2016
Scripture:John 14:5-11
Heaven The Cure For Troubled Hearts | 09/25/2016
Scripture:John 13:36-14
The New Commandment | 09/18/2016
Scripture:John 13:31-38
Betrayed But Not Beaten | 09/11/2016
Scripture:John 13:18-30
Get Your Towel and Basin | 09/04/2016
Scripture:John 13:1-17
The Tragedy of Willful Blindness | 08/21/2016
Scripture:John 12:37-50
The Mighty Magnet of God | 08/14/2016
Scripture:John 12:27-36
The Hour of Glory Arrives John | 07/31/2016
Scripture:12 20-36
Jerusalem Welcomes Her King | 07/24/2016
Scripture:John 12:9-19
Mary's Memorial of Devotion | 07/17/2016
Scripture:John 12:1-8
The Gospel According to Caiaphas | 07/10/2016
Scripture:John 11:45-57
The Resurrection of Lazarus | 07/03/2016
Scripture:John 11:1-44
Believe His Works | 06/26/2016
Scripture:John 10:22-42
Jesus The Good Shepherd | 06/19/2016
Scripture:John 10:1-21
God's Covenant Our Hope for Tomorrow | 06/12/2016
Scripture:2 Timothy 1:3-7
The Blind Shall See | 06/05/2016
Scripture:John 9:1-41
The Great I AM | 05/29/2016
Scripture:John 8:21-59
The Light of the World | 05/22/2016
Scripture:John 8:12-20
The Fountain of Salvation | 05/08/2016
Scripture:John 7:25-53
Just Jugement | 05/01/2016
Scripture:John 7:1-24
To Whom Shall We Go | 04/24/2016
Scripture:John 6:60-71
God's Cutting Edge For His Church | 04/17/2016
Scripture:1 John 3 16-23
The Living Bread | 04/10/2016
Scripture:John 6:41-59
Bread From Heaven | 04/03/2016
Scripture:John 6:30-40
The Hope of the Resurrection | 03/27/2016
Scripture:1 Corinthians 15:1-25
The Bread that Satisfies | 03/20/2016
Scripture:John 6:1-40
The Fourfold Witness to Christ | 03/13/2016
Scripture:John 5:31-47
Judgment By The Son | 03/06/2016
Scripture:John 5:26-30
Life In The Son | 02/28/2016
Scripture:John 5:16-47
The Healing Holiday | 02/21/2016
Scripture:John 5:1-23
A Parent's Best Friend | 02/14/2016
Scripture:John 4:43-54
The Samaritan Revival | 02/07/2016
Scripture:John 4:1-42
Christ Above All | 01/31/2016
Scripture:John 3:22-36
Who Is Jesus | 01/17/2016 | Rev. Danny Olinger
Scripture:John 3:1-15
For God So Loved the World (2) | 01/10/2016
Scripture:John 3:16-21
For God So Loved the World | 01/03/2016
Scripture:John 3:16-21
Born From Above, Part 3 | 12/27/2015
Scripture:John 3:1-21
Born From Above, Part 2 | 12/20/2015
Scripture:John 3:1-21
Joy In Bethlehem and Beyond | 12/13/2015
Scripture:Luke 2:1-20
Born From Above | 12/06/2015
Scripture:John 3:1-21
The Lord Comes to His Temple | 11/29/2015
Scripture:John 2:2-25
The Best Wine For Last | 11/22/2015
Scripture:John 2:1-11
The Witness of the Church | 11/15/2015
Scripture:John 1:35-51
The Witness of John, Part 2 | 11/08/2015
Scripture:John 1:29-42
The Witness of John | 11/01/2015
Scripture:John 1:19-42
A Grain of Wheat (1) | 10/25/2015 | Rev. Scott Harvey
Scripture:John 12:9-33
Jesus - Full of Grace and Truth | 10/18/2015
Scripture:John 1:14-18
John Witness to the Light | 10/11/2015
Scripture:John 1:6-13
His Life Was the Light of Men | 10/04/2015
Scripture:John 1:1-5
In Him Was Life | 09/27/2015
Scripture:John 1:1-5
In the Beginning...Part Two | 09/20/2015
Scripture:John 1:1-5
Jesus Prays for His Future Church | 09/13/2015
Scripture:John 17:1-26
Jesus Prays for His Apostles | 09/06/2015
Scripture:John 17:1-26
Jesus Prays for His Glorification | 08/30/2015
Scripture:John 17:1-26
The Hour of Glory Has Come | 08/23/2015
Scripture:John 17:1-26
The Indwelling of Christ (4) | 08/16/2015
Scripture:Galations 2:11-21
The Indwelling Christ (3) | 08/09/2015
Scripture:Galatians 2:11-21
The Indwelling Christ (2) | 08/02/2015
Scripture:Galatians 2:11-21
The Indwelling Christ | 07/26/2015
Scripture:Galatians 2:11-21
From Law to Faith | 07/19/2015
Scripture:Galatians 2:11-21
Living by Faith, Not by Law | 07/12/2015
Scripture:Galatians 2:11-21
Pray for Preachers | 07/05/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
The Weapon of All-Prayer | 06/21/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
The Sword of the Spirit (2) | 06/14/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
The Sword of the Spirit | 06/07/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
The Helmet of Salvation | 05/31/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
The Shield of Faith | 05/24/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
Feet Fitted with the Gospel of Peace | 05/17/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6 10-20
The Breastplate of Righteousness | 05/10/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
The Belt of Truth | 05/03/2015
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
Take Up God's Whole Armor Ephesians | 04/26/2015
Scripture:6 10-20
To Him Be Dominion | 04/19/2015
Rescue The Perishing | 04/12/2015
Resurrection Boldness | 04/05/2015
Scripture:Luke 24:1-12
Contending for the Faith (4) | 03/29/2015
Contending for the Faith (3) | 03/22/2015
Contending for the Faith (2) | 03/15/2015
Contending for the Faith | 03/08/2015
The Sovereignty of Christ the King | 03/01/2015
Scripture:Revelation 19:11-21
The Coronation of Christ Acts | 02/15/2015
Scripture:1 1-11
Christ Our Ever-Living Prophet (2) | 02/08/2015
Scripture:Acts 21:10-14
Christ Our Ever-Living Prophet | 02/01/2015
Scripture:Acts 3:11-26
What is Jesus Doing Now | 01/25/2015
Scripture:Hebrews 9:1-15
What is Jesus Doing Today | 01/18/2015
Scripture:Hebrews 7:20-28
Jesus, Worker With His Hands | 01/11/2015
Scripture:Mark 6:1-6
Let Him Who Thirsts, Come | 01/04/2015
Scripture:Revelation 22:6-21
The Birdie Says Come | 12/28/2014
Scripture:Revelation 22:6-21
Revelation | 12/21/2014
Scripture:22 6-21
Joy In Bethlehm and Beyond | 12/14/2014
Scripture:Luke 2:1-20
Healing the Nations | 12/07/2014
Scripture:Revelation 22:1-5
The New Jerusalem | 11/30/2014
Scripture:Revelation 21:9-27
A New Heaven, A New Earth (2) | 11/23/2014
Scripture:Revelation 21:1-8
A New Heaven, A New Earth | 11/16/2014
Scripture:Revelation 21: 1-8
Judgement On Jehoram | 11/02/2014
Scripture:2 Corinthians 6:11-18
Josiah Who Hindered You | 10/26/2014
Scripture:Galations 5:7-15
Judgment for Jehosophat | 10/19/2014
Scripture:Galations 5:16-23
Asa's Rise, Reign, and Ruin | 10/12/2014
Scripture:Galatians 3:1-9
Looking Unto Jesus (2) | 10/05/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 12:1-4
Looking unto Jesus | 09/28/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 12:1-3
By Faith Now Made Perfect | 09/21/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:32-40
By Faith Rahab | 09/14/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:30-40
By Faith Walls Come Down | 09/07/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:30-40
By Faith Moses (4) | 08/31/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:23-29
By Faith Moses (3) | 08/24/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:23-29
By Faith Moses (2) | 08/17/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:23-29
By Faith Moses Looked To The Reward | 08/10/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:23-29
The Living Faith of the Dying | 08/03/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:20-22
Meditate On These Things (1) | 07/27/2014 | Rev. Scott Harvey
Scripture:Philippians 4:1-9
Offered Up By Faith | 07/20/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:17-19
Confessing They Were Strangers | 07/13/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:8-16
Abraham-Apostle of Promise | 07/06/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:8-12
Noah Believer and Builder | 06/29/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:4-7
By Faith Enoch Was Not | 06/22/2014
Scripture:Hebrews 11:4-7
True Vision or True Blindness | 05/25/2014 | Ed Kauffman
Scripture:John 9:1-41
The Fountain of Life | 03/24/1996
Scripture:John 19:31-37
It Is Finished | 03/17/1996
Scripture:John 19:23-30
Behold the Man | 03/10/1996
Scripture:John 19:1-22
Christ Making Substitution | 03/03/1996 | Pastor Ivan Davis
Scripture:John 19:17-27
A Prayer That Spans History | 02/25/1996 | Pastor Ivan Davis
Scripture:Luke 23:20-34
King Of Truth | 02/18/1996
Scripture:John 18:28-38
Truth on Trial | 02/11/1996
Scripture:John 18:12-27
Drink Your Cup | 02/04/1996
Scripture:John 18:1-11
Jesus Prays For Unity | 01/28/1996
Scripture:John 17:20-26
Father, Keep My Sheep | 01/21/1996
Scripture:John 17:6-19
The Hour of Glory | 01/14/1996
Scripture:John 17:1-5
Never Alone | 01/07/1996
Scripture:John 16:1-33
Faith to Overcome | 12/31/1995 | Mark Richline
Scripture:Joshua 3:1-17
The Glory of the Heavenly Tabernacle | 12/24/1995
Scripture:John 1:14-18
Praying In His Name | 12/17/1995
Scripture:John 16:23-24
From Sorrow To Joy | 12/10/1995
Scripture:John 16:16-22
All The Truth | 12/03/1995
Scripture:John 16:12-15
The Covicting Spirit | 11/26/1995
Scripture:John 16:5-11
The Counselor at Work | 11/05/1995
Scripture:John 16:5-15
Hated Without a Cause | 10/29/1995
Scripture:John 15:18
No Greather Love | 10/22/1995
Scripture:John 15:9-17
Jesus The True Vine | 10/15/1995
Scripture:John 15:1-8
Never Alone | 10/08/1995
Scripture:John 14:15-31
Longsuffering Love | 10/01/1995
Scripture:1 Corinthians 13: 1-13
Jesus The Only Way | 09/24/1995
Scripture:John 14:5-14
Heaven The Cure For Troubled Hearts | 09/17/1995
Scripture:John 13:36
Love the New Commandment | 09/10/1995
Scripture:John 13:31-35
Christian Courtship vs. The Dating Game | 09/03/1995
Scripture:1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Biblibal Perspectives On The Working Mother | 08/27/1995
Scripture:Titus 2:1-5
Wanted Holy Husbands | 08/20/1995
Scripture:Ephesians 5:22-33
Worship The Glory of Revival | 08/13/1995
Scripture:Galatians 5:1-14
Repentance The Fruit of Revival | 08/06/1995
Scripture:Acts 11:1-18
Prayer The Prelude to Revival | 07/23/1995
Scripture:Psalm 80:1-19
A Revival Prayer | 07/16/1995
Scripture:Luke 11:5-13
How Could He Do It | 06/11/1995
Scripture:John 13:18-38
The Master Servant | 06/04/1995
Scripture:John 13:1-17
The Lights Authority | 05/28/1995
Scripture:John 12:44-50
Soldiers, Not Secret Agents | 05/21/1995
Scripture:John 12:42-43
The Light of Judgement | 05/14/1995
Scripture:John 12:34-41
The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners | 04/30/1995
Scripture:Luke 12:1-12
The Hour Has Come! | 04/23/1995
Scripture:John 12:20-30
The Risen Lord as The Life-Giving Spirit | 04/16/1995
Scripture:John 20:19-29
One Man For The Many | 03/26/1995
Scripture:John 11:45-57
Lazarus, Come Forth II | 03/19/1995
Scripture:John 11:1-44
Lazarus, Come Forth! | 03/12/1995
Scripture:John 11:1-44
Wonderful Works | 03/05/1995
Scripture:John 10:31-42
The Messiah Shepherd | 02/26/1995
Scripture:John 10:22-30
The Unchanging God | 02/19/1995 | Rev. Woody Lauer
Scripture:Hebrews 10:19-39
The Good Shepherd | 02/12/1995
Scripture:John 10:1-18
The Blind Shall See | 02/05/1995
Scripture:John 9:1-41
The Eternal Christ | 01/29/1995
Scripture:John 8:48-59
Freedom For the Slaves of Sin | 01/22/1995
Scripture:John 8:31-47
Never Alone | 01/15/1995
Scripture:John 8:21-30
The Light of the World | 01/08/1995
Scripture:John 8:12-20
Your Life - A Vanishing Mist | 01/01/1995
Scripture:James 4:13-17
The Lord's Supper | 10/02/1994 | Rev. Woody Lauer
Scripture:1 Corinthians 10:11-21
Ragmuffin or Pilgrim | 09/25/1994 | Rev. Neil Williams
Scripture:Hebrews 3:7-19
You and Your Youth II | 09/11/1994
Scripture:Ephesians 6:10-20
You and Your Youth | 09/04/1994
Scripture:2 Timothy 3:1-17
Keeping the Commandments | 08/14/1994 | Rev. Woodie Lauer
Scripture:1 Timothy 6:1-21
Will He Find Faith | 08/07/1994
Scripture:Luke 18:1-8
Worry | 07/31/1994
Scripture:Matthew 6:19-34
Taming the Tongue III | 07/24/1994
Scripture:Eph 4:25
Taming The Tongue II | 07/17/1994
Scripture:James 3:1-12
Taming the Tongue I | 07/09/1994
Scripture:Matthew 12:30-37
The Voice of Judgemnet | 07/03/1994
Scripture:John 5:19-29
Teen Ministry in the '90s | 06/26/1994 | Jeb Bland
Scripture:Luke 24:18-34
The Healing Holiday | 06/19/1994
Scripture:John 5:1-18
Go Your Way | 06/12/1994
Scripture:John 4:43-54
The Harvest is Here | 06/05/1994
Scripture:John 4:1-42
Christ Above All | 05/29/1994
Scripture:John 3:22-35
Savior of the World | 05/22/1994
Scripture:John 3:16-21
Life From Above | 05/15/1994
Scripture:John 3:1-15
The Pilgrims Purity | 05/08/1994
Scripture:John 2:23
Born from Above | 05/01/1994
Scripture:John 2:23
Jesus the Temple Cleaner | 04/24/1994
Scripture:John 2:12-22
The Best Comes Last | 04/17/1994
Scripture:John 2:1-11
Sound of Wings | 04/10/1994 | Pastor Malhus
Scripture:Isaiah 6:1-8
He Is Risen | 04/03/1994
Scripture:Luke 24:1-12
Jesus Christ The Spirit - Baptiser | 03/20/1994
Scripture:John 1:32-34
Behold, The Lamb | 03/13/1994
Scripture:John 1:29-34
The Fountain of Grace | 02/27/1994
Scripture:John 1:14-18
The True Light | 02/13/1994
Scripture:John 1:6-13
The Divine Word | 01/23/1994
Scripture:John 1:1-5
The Biblical Basis for Church Membership | 01/16/1994
Scripture:Acts 2:37-47
Boast in the Cross | 01/09/1994
Scripture:Galatians 6:16-18
Who Will You Serve in 1994 | 01/02/1994
Scripture:1 Thessalonians 1:2-10